Click here to see video of new venue
Click here to purchase online for Winter 2025 Show (Vendor Spaces as well as admissions).
Click here to download printable form to mail vender space application.
We had a GREAT VINTAGE ELECTRONICS EXPO on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2024 AT THE KALAMAZOO EXPO CENTER!!! Approximately 25,000 sq ft of vintage audio, radios, ham radio, vintage computer and gaming stuff, records, parts and such ! Admission was $8 at the door. Vendor tables nearly sold out !
This was in partnership with the Kalamazoo Hamfest, website: Scroll down to see pix from previous VEE’s.
Our next event after the Winter VEE ’24 will be our MARC Yard Sale as part of the Plymouth’s Old Village Yard & Trunk Sale Event – Saturday April 27th 2024. Watch here for more information to come (or contact Mark Oppat 734-502-3794)
Previous Show Details Below….
Winter Vintage Electronics Expo was Sat, Jan 21 2023, WOW , what a GREAT show ! see pix below
Finally, the return of the winter Vintage Electronics Expo ! We had over 900 folks come in (including about 45 vendors), filling over 140 tables of our usual UNIQUE , CLASSIC VINTAGE ELECTRONIC STUFF ! Much thanks to all the volunteers who helped plan and staff the show ! Make a note, we’ll probably be back at the Chelsea Fairgrounds Sunday, June 4 2023, watch this site for updates, mark your calendars.
We had a lot of “newbies” come in due to a nice segment that appeared on FOX TV2 News on Thursday Jan 19 morning. The segment ran nearly 4 minutes and featured VEE Media volunteer and long time restorer Mark Oppat from Plymouth…. Here is a link to that :
These shows are all about vintage radios, audio gear, video stuff, gaming devices, records, and parts of all kinds including TUBES for that vintage guitar amp you love ! If its at least 25 years or older and it is electronic or related software, its at this show !
We had a seminar, “Vinyl Basics and Record Player Repair with expert John Reinicke. John was the past president of MARC (Michigan Antique Radio Club) and knows all the secrets and tricks to making old turntables and “record changers” work like new. There was no additional charge to attend this seminar !
We were at a new location, too….the Southfield Pavilion, 26000 Evergreen Rd, just south of the I-696 freeway exit 11. It worked out very well despite a more limited loading access.

PIX from our previous shows below…….